
eBook: Enhancing the Volunteer Lifecycle

Posted Thursday, July 13th, 2017 by Sterling Volunteers Staff

Every day, millions of people volunteer. Whether they build houses, distribute food, raise funds, care for animals, tutor students, or provide comfort, volunteers make an incredible difference by sharing their time and talent. Each of these volunteer’s commitment to an organization’s mission is a lifecycle, and Sterling Volunteers’ informative new eBook, “Enhancing the Volunteer Lifecycle,”…

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Fun In The Sun

9 Quick Tips for Recruiting Volunteers

Posted Thursday, July 6th, 2017 by Sterling Volunteers Staff

As a Volunteer Manager, you know that when it comes to running a volunteer program for a nonprofit organization – and creating change in the community through volunteerism – one of the most important pieces of the puzzle is volunteer recruitment. Sure, there are other factors (such as your budget!) that are also extremely important, but volunteers are the backbone of any volunteer program and finding good volunteers is like striking gold. That brings us to the question this blog addresses: What are some great ideas for recruiting volunteers?

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