We are a group of passionate volunteers with decades of experience working for and with nonprofits and service organizations in risk mitigation.
We are a group of passionate volunteers with decades of experience working for and with nonprofits and service organizations in risk mitigation. We know all about the difficulties of finding, screening, onboarding and retaining good volunteers. Through our own volunteer experiences, we also know about the frustrating barriers to joining causes quickly. We want to create a better way for organizations and volunteers to work together.
That’s why we asked Sterling, a global background screening company with 40+ years of expertise, to partner with us in developing an innovative screening platform that meets the unique needs of nonprofits and service organizations and the wonderful volunteers they rely on.
Sterling Volunteers is the only background check platform tailored to the specific needs of the service sector and the first online community mobilizing repeat, vetted volunteers.
Use our simple, online screening process to get started today.
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