Sterling Volunteers is proud to partner with the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD), an association of organizations that mitigate and alleviate the impact of disasters.
Through this partnership, we are working to streamline background checks for spontaneous unaffiliated volunteers and expediate disaster relief efforts. In 2017, this partnership played a pivotal role in mobilizing vetted volunteers to help those effected by Hurricane Irma, Harvey and Maria.
Disaster can strike in an instant – any place, any time. When it does, we need to quickly and effectively leverage citizens who are willing to help with immediate and ongoing relief efforts. At the same time, we need to ensure that those citizens have the best of intentions – and that the communities your organization strives to help are protected from untrustworthy individuals. That’s where volunteer background screening comes in.
Our high-quality background checks help organizations make a difference faster and gain confidence in the safety of those you serve. Additionally, we are helping to reduce the administrative burden of screening by integrating with over 20 volunteer management systems and providing access to a community of pre-vetted volunteers who can quickly spring into action.
In the event of a disaster situation you can be ready to start making a difference much faster by registering with National VOAD as a volunteer and completing your background check. Once your background check is complete, you can share it with organizations to help those in need.