Case Study: The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Newark (RCAN)
Organization Background
With 219 parishes and 98 schools in the four New Jersey counties it serves, The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Newark (RCAN) and its Office of Child and Youth Protection rely heavily on volunteers.
With its size and complexity, RCAN needed to find a better way to manage and screen volunteers. Parish and school personnel were spending too much time managing a highly inefficient screening process and they needed an easier, more user-friendly solution that reduced their workload. By enabling volunteers with more responsibility for their own data, they were given greater billing and processing flexibility and the Chancery was offered a comprehensive oversight of the entire volunteer screening process. Sterling Volunteers helped put their program volunteers in charge of their own screening which resulted in cost savings, better program insight and an overall superior screening process.
After considering many screening partners, RCAN chose Sterling Volunteers. They made their decision based on a number of criteria but mainly on customer service and the screening quality provided by their Complete Criminal Locator solution. RCAN was assigned a dedicated customer service representative with in-depth knowledge of the RCAN account and its needs. The parishes and schools received personalized trainings and customized materials to make the transition easy. Set-up times were kept to a minimum – averaging just 48 hours for each RCAN account.
Sterling Volunteers’ Complete Criminal Locator solution provided RCAN with greater confidence in the quality of their volunteer screens. In addition, they are saving time and are experiencing fewer headaches because volunteers can now handle the background check order process on their own. They are experiencing significant cost savings as volunteers have the option to contribute toward the cost of their background check and even share it with other parishes, schools and non-Archdiocesan organizations. Sterling Volunteers also provides audit support and management reports which provide RCAN with the ability to view each volunteer’s complete background check report. If criminal activity is reported, they know the details of that activity, when it occurred and whether it should preclude them from bringing on the volunteer.
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